Dear all riders,
Its been a while since I last posted but due to the recent events, I guess Suf and I have to take charge again. In view of the previous ups and downs, disagreements, misunderstandings, I say let's just forget about it. Its all in the past now, put them behind and move on forward. At the end of the day, let us be more understanding towards each other. And to make that happen, I am setting a few ground rules regarding communication within the club before reinstating the chatterbox.
1) If there is something any individual posted/said/talked/asked and you don't understand and feel that there is might be something offending, let either me or Suf know first before you take the initiative and reply. Because of the limitation of the number of words of the chatbox, people might tend to write in short form/broken english/abbreviations etc. So I ask you all to read carefully and understand before you decide whether this is a flame or just a normal neutral comment. In other words, hold your guns and think carefully before you fire. Better still, put down your guns and just take things with a light-hearted spirit. Check and double-check offline, via phone if you think anyone might have posted something that is rude/obscene/vulgar.
2) The chatbox is meant to be a channel to discuss about rides, events and other normal everyday life, not a battleground to fuel your anger or rage your hormones. The same goes for this club. This club has been formed to gather chopper and cruiser riders, not a bunch of hooligans issuing threats to each other, not for business/money-making opportunities, not a place to make your stand on political issues. We are here because we share the same interest, that is, riding either a chopper or a cruiser and we stay in Singapore. So put all your differences aside, talk nicely to each other. If you have ideas, bring them up during meetings and we discuss about them and try to work things out. At the end of the day, we want the club to grow to have more riders and maybe even organise events in the future. So if you share the same values as what I have stated here, you are most welcome to join. Otherwise, please kindly leave.
After these 2 simple rules which are easy to follow, here are some new updates. Firstly, I will be coming up with an application form for you all to download and fill up so as to keep track of the number of members and have a master contact list for any emergency purposes. Please fill up completely and send it to my email which will be included in the form. If possible, throw in a few pictures of yourself and your ride.
Secondly, in view of the need to grow and reach out to other parts of Singapore as well as to facilitate communication, we will be forming sub-groups within CNCSG based on location within Singapore. We will have 4 main districts, namely, North (ND), East (ED), West (WD) and Central (CD). Suf and I will be appointing 4 group leaders to head these districts. The District Leaders (DL) will be responsible for organising district rides (within their areas), communicating with the district members about any major events of CNCSG and recruiting any new members. He/she can appoint an assistant leader (ADL) to help out as well. The areas under each district will be announced at a later date.
As such, we will have many events under each district and also major events under the main CNCSG umbrella. All members are encouraged to attend major events where it's a chance for all districts to meet up as one. This allows us to reach out to more people and fly our flag all over Singapore. National Runway Cycling is one such major event which we take part annually.
Speaking of flags, I will be doing up a CNCSG flag to bring to events for phototaking. I will also be coming up with safety vests for various districts to use during your rides so all of you will know your roles, either lead, marshall or sweeper. A convoy riding handbook will be printed and given out to members and training courses will also be organised to promote safety riding. More details on all these as well as Runway Cycling coming up next week so stay tuned.
Alright, I have said so much but whether you want to follow, its up to you. I have given a free choice, so respect that free choice, and respect the club. I hope to see better communication and the great fun we always have when we are riding as one, brothers and sisters together. Ride hard, ride safe, ride fun.
Ciaoz amigos,
Michael Choy
Choppers & Cruisers Singapore