Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Announcements: Pre-Runway Cycling Preparations

1) Our Mighty mouse is printing the decals as we "speak". Awaiting his latest update.

2) T-shirts are processing as we "speak" too! They will be ready on Sat. Please bring along $15 for your T-shirts on Sat night when we meet up to pay for your T-shirt. The price change is due to the supplier not having enought cotton material for our sizes so we are getting the Dri-Fit polyester ones, which is better for sports.

3) Our name cards are unfortunately not being able to do in time due to Vesak Day being a non-working day. We are also not allowed to distribute flyers. What we can do though is to chat with whoever is interested then pass them a flyer. That way we won't do like those flyer givers at the MRT style, blindly give, we give to those who are interested and request for more information.

4) Please polish up your bikes and also add on the necessary equipment like tail-lights. Those who do not have back lights, please either purchase them or borrow from those who have extra. Safety is of utmost importance. Check your bike if anything needs servicing, like tyres, brakes etc.

5) Please hydrate yourselves the night before the event to make sure you won't get into any heat problems on Sunday. Bring a water bottle along and tag it to a saddle bag or something.

6) Please wear proper attire. We will be having T-shirts, so the bottoms will be bermudas or pants. Shoes are a must. NO sandals or slippers.

7) Please conduct yourself in a good behaviour. I'm not talking about like being in school but since we will be getting interviews and featured on media, please put on your best to show the rest of Singapore why its cool to join us. No swearing or fighting with other fellow bikers and also as much as I hate to say this, since its a SAFRA event, no smoking unless at a designated smoking corner. Be cool, be funky, be on TV.

8) Lastly, for those who need lorry transport for the bikes, please contact Mimi at 91991581. There might be also a BBQ to end off this event for us. Awaiting more news from our dear friend Rudy. :)

Let's make this event our next big thing of the year! Ride on and ride hard!

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